Tag Archives: vaping

4 factors that affect your high

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Understanding the circumstances that affect you and what you look for in your high will help to empower you as a cannabiseur. While some people prefer the more soothing effects that bring on a mellow buzz, others are further geared towards a heavy, sedating body high. Regardless of which side of the spectrum allows you […]

Vaping or smoking? Which yields a higher potency?

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While smoking continues to be the classic trend amongst weed enthusiasts, vaping has emerged to offer an experience all its own. Though both consumption methods offer an efficient mode of THC delivery, many of our customers are curious as to which of the two options pack the most punch. After all, when you buy marijuana online, […]

How do you freshen up your home from the smell and mess of cannabis?

How do you freshen up your home from the smell and mess of cannabis?

When you buy weed online it’s understandable that when your package arrives that you’re eager to smoke it. That being said, while you may be unaware of the lingering remnants of your daily smoke session — the distinguishable odor and even leftover kief on the counter from rolling a joint — as a responsible user, […]