Are you looking for a crafty way to elevate your 4/20 experience? Well, other than simply getting high with some friends, there are numerous other ways that you can make this unofficial stoner holiday a memorable one. So, regardless of whether you’re planning to attend a community pot protest, discover what your green thumb can […]
Monthly Archives: April 2019
Whether you’re new to cannabis or you’re simply keen on binge-eating some freshly baked edibles, the truth is, greening out can happen to anyone. So, if you’re starting to feel a little nauseous, breaking a sweat or getting the spins after you’ve had a few too many bong tokes, chances are that you’re in for […]
While there’s no arguing that cannabis has proven to have an endless list of medical benefits — treatment for chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, glaucoma, epileptic seizures and various forms of cancer — there are still some concerns about the potential risk of developing respiratory issues from smoke inhalation. While marijuana contains far fewer chemical additives […]