Category Archives: Weed Culture

What are the best ways to celebrate 4/20?

marijuana pills

Are you looking for a crafty way to elevate your 4/20 experience? Well, other than simply getting high with some friends, there are numerous other ways that you can make this unofficial stoner holiday a memorable one. So, regardless of whether you’re planning to attend a community pot protest, discover what your green thumb can […]

What are marijuana concentrates and how do they differ?

marijuana concentrates for sale

Most stoners begin their euphoric experience using various strains of herb. While smokable bud has an enticing high for the mind and body, there is a variety of marijuana concentrates that have the ability to heighten more seasoned users’ experiences. So, if you’ve been looking for a way to refine your cannabis method of consumption, […]

Has legalization re-branded weed culture?

Since you’re now able to purchase recreational cannabis from government-managed storefronts, a few private dispensaries and conveniently online across the country, it’s easy to notice a subtle shift in the Canadian perspective on pot. What was once seen as an illegal drug to those who didn’t partake in marijuana culture, a medicinal prescription to the […]

These 4 activities are so much better when you’re high

We all have hobbies and activities of interest. While sitting around and sinking into your couch, binge-watching Netflix may feel like the most appealing thing to do after you smoke a fat joint, sometimes there are other endeavors that are equally as fun and stimulating to do with the help of some Mary Jane. So, […]

What’s the buzz around cannabis spas?

It’s no secret that weed is incredibly well known for its relaxing properties and its ability to treat various medical conditions. Seemingly, the fact that cannabis spas exist doesn’t seem out of the ordinary. In fact, while aromatherapy is incredibly helpful to the mind and body when it comes to inducing a deep level of […]