Category Archives: Blog

Quality ways to smoke the reefer

methods for smoking weed

When it comes to smoking pot there are a plethora of methods that stoners have used to get themselves high. Depending on where you are and what you have access to, you may prefer the simpler methods such as rolling a joint, hitting the bong or loading a pipe. On the other side of things, […]

Weed books to relish in after your first week back to school

books about weed

While books about weed usually aren’t as easy to find bound together between a spine on the usual library bookshelf, there are a plethora of cannabis-related reads available to any habitual reading stoner. While you might not be able to smoke these books, they do have the ability to expand your new-found wisdom with the […]

Must-have cannabis-infused accessories for any camping trip

cannabis-infused accessories

There is no better way to celebrate the amazing summer heat then to disappear into nature with a big ol’ bag of weed, some good friends and a durable camping tent. Since the idea of escaping into the woods for your Labour Day weekend pretty much means disconnecting yourself from reality, it’s probably a good […]

How to make your own weed candy

THC infused candy edibles

THC infused candy edibles are the ultimate munchie for stoners to indulge in. Whether you prefer sugary lollipops, the tangy taste of gummy bears or the decadent, moist texture of chocolate, these tasty treats offer many medical benefits and are the perfect marijuana replacement for people who don’t enjoy smoking. You’ve probably purchased some candy online before, or you […]

Vansterdam: A stoner’s guide to visiting Vancouver

weed in Vancouver

It’s no secret that the city of Vancouver, CA., also known as VanCity or Vansterdam, welcomes stoners with open arms. Although marijuana will be legal in a few short months, Vancouver has always possessed a chill, laid back vibe when it comes to smoking green. Below are a few weed-friendly hotspots for any stoner’s visiting […]