3 best weed strains for chilling out on cold days

weed strains

With increasing periods of rain, wind and possibly even snowstorms, your urge to curl up indoors with the best weed strains in hand and avoid the final winter elements is probably rising. That’s why it’s important to stay cooped up with a plethoric stash of the strongest weed strains that’ll make it more bearable to […]

What are some of our top-selling marijuana concentrates on thechrono.ca?

marijuana concentrates for sale

If you’re a stoner who prefers the intensity of marijuana concentrates or if you’ve been simply wanting to try something new, perhaps getting familiar with our wide assortment of oils, shatters and budders would entice you enough to actually try one of these delicious extracts. After all, there’s always an innovative way to refine your […]

Has legalization re-branded weed culture?

Since you’re now able to purchase recreational cannabis from government-managed storefronts, a few private dispensaries and conveniently online across the country, it’s easy to notice a subtle shift in the Canadian perspective on pot. What was once seen as an illegal drug to those who didn’t partake in marijuana culture, a medicinal prescription to the […]

Have you checked out Vancouver’s first legal weed dispensary?

It took nearly three months since the legalization of weed across the country, but the City of Vancouver has finally opened up its first legally run pot shop, City Cannabis Co. The grand opening took place on Friday, January 4, giving local pot lovers and tourists a taste of the boutique world of legalized cannabis. […]